Thursday, March 12, 2009

you know, doing these posts is a lot more difficult than i would have thought.. it's a lot harder to come up with topics for me to talk about .. surprising, isn't it? typically, i have no problems finding things to say :)

So, i wrote my government paper - a lot quicker than i should have, granted, considering i finally got the book the day the paper was due. but, i really like my paper. i ended up writing it on how the government, in order to be a righteous government, has a duty to provide it's people with agency, and how the people have a duty to use that agency, especially when it comes to choosing righteous leaders.

okay, so now it's confession time. I didn't vote in the last election. the presidential one. I felt uninformed, and alot like my vote didn't help anyway. After reading these talks, though, by our general authorities, my view has changed a bit. Mostly i was lazy, and that part hasn't changed, but the "i hate politics, i hate government, i hate voting" sentiments aren't nearly as strong. We have been counseled to stay involved in politics, because it is our country. I always knew that from a "civic duty" point of view i should vote, but i had never looked at it from a religious point of view.

the constitution was instituted by the Lord. the constitution is set up to give us the right to vote, so that, too, was set up by the Lord. Righteousness cannot come under the rule of a King (see previous posts). So, therefore, in my mind at least, it is a commandment that we vote. It's part of the way of fulfilling the Lord's plan, to prepare the promised land for the coming of Christ.

looking at it in that light, what excuses do i have now? none. i need to vote, and i wish there was a way to go back and change my decision. Granted, i do need to become more informed from now on, but that's not difficult. It's part of both my religious and civic duty to help insure that we have a righteous leader, one that will prepare the world for the second coming of Christ.


  1. "It is a commandment that we vote."


  2. I think the fact that you're realizing this now is a great thing. There are so many people out there, including a lot of older adults in my home ward, that don't see the point in voting. One of my pet peeves is when people don't vote because they don't think they'll make a difference, or don't care about the election at hand. I ran in to several arguments with older adults about why they should care and why they should vote. Of course, their apathy always seemed to win those debates, but I think if I had argued it like you presented here, from a more religious point of view rather than one of civic virtue, I might have had a shot at winning those battles. Great post!

  3. I think that laziness is definitely something I struggle with. Maybe it's just part of being human...but I feel that it's hugely important to realize where we can become better and then do something about it. (you're a wonderful example of that, by the way ( : )

  4. jacob: the "it's a commandment to vote" was my own interpretation based upon the previous statements. If you wanted, read the book "Just and Holy Princples" .. we HAVE been commanded to vote by many latter-day church authority figures.
