Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Feminism: the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. (

feminism is easy to define, but so much harder to quantify. I hear all the time, especially since getting to college, about feminine rights. However, there is a point, in my opinion, where it becomes too much. I have a friend who is a self-proclaimed feminist, who gets upset if a boy opens a door for her. "I am strong enough to open those doors - if they open them for me, they are calling me weak". This isn't feminism - it's politeness. I open doors for boys - does that mean that i'm implying they can't? No, i don't think so.
Another form of feminism that i've heard protested is the fact that we have to wear skirts to church.. this impliest that we are "unequal", because we are held to a different dress code.
One of my favorite things about our religion is that men and women are not "equal". We are complimentary. To be a feminist, to fight for women's rights, is NOT to be promoting equality. There is absolutely no way that we could be equal - we are essentially different from men. We are, however, given the same "rights" in the church - the ability to have the priesthood in our lives, the ability to grow and raise families, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dana!
    By the way-I loved this post. I loved your line "We are complimentary". Anyway, thank you for being an awesome student! Your blogs were always so fun.
