Wednesday, March 4, 2009

two-house = equality

Random Sidenote: I've realized that most of my posts have to do with the Gospel vs. the Government, and this is yet another. I think this is because while i don't care much for government, and i don't know it as well, i understand and love the Gospel, and so relating the two helps me learn alot more. Funny how that works.

Anyway, i was reading the federalist papers for class, and i came up on a line that said "I will add, as a fifth circumstance in the situation of the House of Representatives, restraining them from oppressive measures, that they can make no law that will not have it's full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society." I've always realized the importance of this - it's why we have checks and balances, so that no one man or group can become tyrannic - but i'd never really applied it. This, once again, got me thinking about gospel examples. The first to come to mind was King Benjamin. King Benjamin claimed that one of the reasons that he was such a good king was that he worked for his country. He wouldn't put taxes on the people that he himself didn't pay, and he wouldn't force his citizens to do work that he himself wouldn't do. He was humble and righteous, because he worked alongside his people. The nation was one of peace and happiness. Then, i started thinking about the unrighteous kings. Each of them established laws that they didn't apply to themselves. They started having slaves, and putting high taxes on the people, while they sat on their thrones and did nothing. These men were fat, lazy, idolatrous, and unrighteous, and in almost every case led the nation into despair and wickedness.
Lastly, i thought about when Christ comes. The scriptures say, in doctrine and covenants 88, that when Christ comes, the saints will have all of his power and glory. We know that this will be the best time in the work, when Christ reigns as King, and what makes it that way? We will have a faithful, just ruler, who works along with us. Because we can recieve all the Christ has, and all that the Father has (D&C 84), we will be equals with our King, as in the day of Benjamin.

Now, relating this back to government, i can say that i'm really grateful for the way our government is run. I never realized just how good of a system we had set up, but, judging by the book of mormon, the only system that works is one in which the people are equal to their rulers, and there aren't laws that exclude the rulers themselves. Freedom wouldn't be able to survive. We really do have a remarkable system in the United States.

1 comment:

  1. "...Which the people are equal to their rulers, and there aren't laws that exclude the rulers themselves."

    Sadly, with some presidents (namely our last president) this was thrown out the window.
